About the project romasintigenocide.eu

The website “romasintigenocide.eu” is a learning platform that provides fundamental knowledge about the genocide committed against European Sinti and Roma.  It is aimed at schoolchildren, teachers and anyone who would like to find out more about the history of the genocide of the Roma and Sinti.

The first version of the website was created between 2007 and 2011 on behalf of the Austrian Ministry of Education (BMBWF) as a shared project of the Associations _erinnern.at_ and Kanzlei - Internationaler Verein für Wissenschaft und Kultur. The texts’ author is Gerhard Baumgartner, former scientific director of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW). The international country pages and language versions were implemented in cooperation with numerous European experts and partner organisations. In 2023, the website was updated in terms of its content and technology, and the “Roma resistance” section was added.

The entire website’s development was accompanied by an international steering committee in which the commissioning and funding organisations were represented: the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA Committee on the Genocide of the Roma), the Fondation pour la Mémoire da la Shoah and the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF).

Its technical implementation was carried out by the website agency KOMBINAT, in cooperation with the graphic designer, Peter Egelseer. The website agency Earlybird was responsible for the website’s technical relaunch.

The OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation – has been managing the website since 2023. The former association _erinnern.at_ became part of the OeAD in 2022 as its Holocaust Education Programme.

We would like to express our thanks to the project’s partners and sponsors, all participating institutions and experts on an international level, as well as all those who contributed in editorial and technical terms to the website’s realisation.


  • Karen Polak | Anne Frank Haus | Amsterdam

  • Alenka Janko Spreizer | University of Primorska / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Primorska

  • Claude Singer | Mémorial de la Shoah | Paris

  • Martina Maschke | Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research | Vienna

  • Moritz Wien | Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Vienna


  • Robert Sigel | Office of the Bavarian State Government Commissioner against Antisemitism | Munich

  • Oliver von Mengersen | University of Heidelberg | Heidelberg

  • Sabine Schweitzer  | Historian | Weimar

  • Jan Kreutz | Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma | Heidelberg

  • Karola Fings | University of Heidelberg | Heidelberg


  • Rosa Corbeletto | Turin


  • Danijel Vojak | Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar | Zagreb

  • Loranda Miletić | Education and Teacher Training Agency Croatia / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Zagreb


  • Anda Simina | Riga


  • Ieva Šadzevičienė | Head of the Tolerance Center of Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum | Vilnius

  • Gražina Sluško | Department of National minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania | Vilnius


  • Anton Weiss-Wendt | The Norwegian for Holocaust and Minorities Studies | Oslo


  • Gerhard Baumgartner | former Member of Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance (DÖW) | Vienna

  • Irmgard Bibermann | University of Innsbruck / ERINNERN:AT Tirol | Innsbruck

  • Maria Ecker | Historian | Vienna

  • Michaela Bobas-Pupic | Historian | Vienna

  • Lajos Csépai | Historian | Vienna

  • Barbara Tiefenbacher | University of Vienna | Graz

  • Emmerich Charly Gärtner-Horvath | Association Roma-Service (Austria) | Oberwart

  • Werner Dreier | former Chairman of ERINNERN:AT | Bregenz


  • Slawomir Kapralski | Pedagogical University of Cracow / Institute of Philosophy and Sociology | Warsaw


  • Michelle Kelso | Columbian College of Arts & Sciences | Washington DC

  • Viorel Achim | Nicolae Iorga Institute of History | Bucharest


  • Milovan Pisarri | Center for Holocaust Research and Education (CHRE) | Belgrade


  • Monique Eckmann | University of Applied Sciences and Art Western Switzerlands | Geneve

  • Thomas Huonker | Historian | Zurich

  • Sabina Brändli | Zurick University of Teacher Education / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Zurich


  • Zuza Kummanová | Bratislava

  • Arne Mann | Bratislava

  • Michal Vaněk | Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Bratislava

  • Kristína Dublanová | Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Bratislava

  • Martin Korčok | Slovak National Museum – Museum of Jewish Culture / International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance | Bratislava

Czech Republic

  • Petr Lhotka | Brno

  • Michal Schuster | Brno


  • János Bársony | Minority Researcher | Budapest

  • Csaba Dupcsik | Hungarian Research Network, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology | Budapest

  • Agnes Daróczi | Human Rights Activist / Minority Researcher | Budapest

  • Èva Kovács | Hungarian Research Network, Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Sociology | Budapest

  • Attila Márfi | Historian | Pécs


  • Mihkayl Tyaglyy | Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies | Kiev